23 August 2013

Edinburgh Fringe 2013

My word! (My WORD! Get it!?) What a fantastic time at the Edinburgh Fringe 2013. I really enjoyed myself. Launching in with a Fringe experienced cousin we covered five shows in one day and three in another. My only one stipulation was that we had to see at least one spoken word show. Based on my official Fringe website research, my poet of choice was Scroobius Pip. This was going to be my first official spoken word show, and I LOVED it! I hung on his every word and rhyme, following his flow of meaning through the rhythms of his speech. I bought his book at the end (Poetry in (e)motion, the illustrated words of Scroobius Pip). I've read the introduction and the first poem so far, (1,000 Words), and I'm already inspired. What I love about this book is that Scroobius Pip invited artists via his MySpace page, to illustrated his poems. The book is a result of the submissions that he received. This ticks both my love of words and doodles / art to illustrate them. I'm in poetry heaven!
A second spoken word poet that we saw was David Lee Morgan, a previous UK and London Slam champion winner. (Warning: Explicit language and ideas in the video on his site.) Watching this man speak was like truly arriving at 'gritty' yet pure Edinburgh Fringe. This time the show was free, the dark atmospheric room in the underground vaults of the city, having been provided to him for free by the venue, his only income being our donations. Yet he spoke with such passion in his show 'Science, Love and Revolution'. See here for a review. I met him afterwards too and he gave me his card. He told me that if I contacted him he would give me direction as to the spoken word scene in London. I'm in double poetry heaven! I'll blog more if this comes to something.

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