2 April 2013

Spoken Word Inspiration

Look What I've found via Linkedin: Binge. A site where poets upload spoken word videos. Included is a Spoken Word / Motivational Channel for a 'Speak Up' contest that promotes the use of spoken word videos that share knowledge and wisdom without glorifying violence, ignorance, and negativity. Here is Shane Romero with his entry. Sign up and 'Like' if you want to help him in the competition via this link.

On scrolling around I found the Faith category of uploads and found this gem by Eric Nixon. A powerful testimony of his struggles through life and finding Christ. Touchingly the filming of his testimony turns into a testimony itself. Watch and see.

Here also is a video from another of my favourite sites: www.ted.com. Here is Shane Koyczan as a performance poet delivering a powerful poem accompanied by art on the subject of his youth and bullying.

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