10 December 2008

The Word Power Buzz

I love writing poetry. Writing poetry for me provides a medium for the expression of my soul. Like an artist might express himself through paint and colours, I do so through words (as much as I would love to have the gift of painting too!). It is such satisfying way to vent the soul's angst in life, or praise of good things.

So to be able to read the poetry of others is something that I find exciting as it provides a window into someone else's soul. There is a certain fellowship to be found in that. Here is a poem that I recently found on a friend's blog:


Reading other people's work also gives me a fresh appreciation of poetry from the reader's point of view. Whilst some of the ones I write can still make me smile or move me to tears on a further reading, to read someone else's poetry provides a fresh appreciation as to the power of words, so simple yet powerful when brought together to form one message.

I encourage anyone who has not tried it yet to do so.

9 November 2008

Time Out...

Having just returned from a day at the Clothed With Joy women's conference at St.Barnabas Church, north London I feel like I've had a breath of fresh air blown into my life again. These kind of days are so important to put aside time for in order to recharge batteries, reassess your direction and to be reminded, again, of how much we are loved by God, just as we are!

The women speakers were bold with their honesty, (thank you to Helen Shannon), and the worship was true to how wonderful, amazing and fabulous God is on so many levels (reliable, strong, forgiving, accepting... and endlessly loving). I was especially taken by the song that Jo Dore wrote especially for the event. Its words were so simple, yet together were so moving and true. The beautiful melody that accompanied these words created a worship song that was a delight to sing.

Carrie Grant (Fame Academy, CBeebies, "Carrie and David's Popshop!"), was again honest in her singing. It was a gift so humbly presented to deliver God's loving face in times of great struggle. The words "I'm falling..." comforted by the following song's image of God carrying us was powerful. Thank you for sharing.

So as well as the lyrics spoken of above, where did my love of words and communicating come in? Helen Shannon spoke of the power of words. Those that hurt and those that are spoken by God (when He speaks - change happens!). Anne Coles spoke of women's intuition and choosing the right moment to deliver the right words, and finally I am so grateful to Jo Dore for hosting the "Writing a Psalm" workshop. It was so exciting to listen to someone deliver their research into the various Psalms, exposing an enthusiasm akin to my own! However her research also took her into how Psalms are written. I've never looked at writing poetry or Psalms with a particular framework in mind before, and have often avoided doing so, so not to "box" my creativity as such. However I arrived at the workshop with anticipation and excitement at having the chance to do what I love most - communicate with God, and give him the time and space to communicate with me, either via words or pictures in my mind. The workshop was an interesting and effective one in that people who had never written a Psalm or poetry before were given the space, time and know-how needed to create a Psalm which communicated their own lament or worship to God. The women present were so brave and honest in sharing what they had created and it was an honour to hear their words.

I won't post the Psalm that I wrote in the workshop here for the moment (it is a long one!), however here is a poem that I wrote later in the day based on the same picture that came to my mind during the prayer at the beginning of the workshop (thank you Jo for providing the space which allowed God to give it to me):

Your face that I draw
On this page with these words
Comes to me in my mind
As they flow to me in herds.

It is your face that I see
As I write on this page.
Your colours of brown and gold
So clear, without haze.

Do my words do you justice?
Are my words to you true?
True to all the glory
That I see in you?

For I hope that they do
As I sit here with you,
As you absorb the pain
That I see is true.

True to this world
That exists
Without knowledge
Of you.

Copyright EH 2008. All rights reserved.

6 November 2008

The Shack, William P. Young

This entry isn't about my poetry and my love of communicating what I see or feel with words, but having found words from another source that planted mental pictures filled with emotion, beauty and power into my mind, I wanted to share my appreciation for "The Shack"...

Rarely do I read a book that touches my heart and gives me clarity about life (the Bible aside) and acknowledgement of things I've been through (there is something in it for everyone). Rarely do I read a book which allows me to look back and understand why... Rarely do I read a book that answers such big questions (some I need to re-read!). Rarely do I find a book that I cannot put down because I loose myself in the world that it invites me to step into (the last one was The Life of Pi, Yann Martel). Rarely do I get the time to read books, to be fair, (I can't usually sit still long enough...) but it is books of this quality that renew my motivation to pick up another one. Rarely do I read a book that makes me cry (my carpet is a sodden tissue graveyard). Rarely do I read a book that describes scenes of such beauty (I won't spoil which ones...).
Whilst I am not for or against the theology behind the book, (I am still digesting its contents), I do recommend it as well worth reading.
Now the divisive question is: is this book purely fiction or another of the multitude of ways with which God can communicate with us?

2 September 2008

Creative Worship Workshop - TBC Youth Camp 2008

Unmistakenly this was another hard working youth camp. However, I never regret for one moment going and being part of the team. Things were sent to try us, yet we overcame all the obstacles and it was an honour to witness the faith of the young people grow on many levels.

I had the great pleasure of leading the creative worship workshops where the youth were encouraged to be creative in their means of communication with God, and to experiment with new ways of communicating be it art, music, prose or poetry. See below for examples of painting and photos from the workshop. Art created in these sessions was used as background to the song lyrics whilst the young people led us in worship. It was a good opportunity to show their work and it was inspiring to see young people finding expressive ways to communicate with God.

I was also honoured during one of the workshops that two of our many musically creative youth put music to my poem entitled "Eternal and Faithful". Another member of our youth wrote a poem, as well as creating art, which, with his kind permission, I include below:

The Rise and Fall

Lord I have given you my heart
You have taken me into your presence
I have been welcomed into your temple
You show me true love and mercy
I’m so happy that you are with me
I’m in awe of you
But then you make me look outside of your temple
And it is so ugly, full of pain and suffering.
I want to look away but I don’t want to disappoint you.
You take me by the arm and you lead me to the temple door.
You ask me to leave
You ask me to change the ugly world
You ask me to do the impossible
Lord how can I change people who don’t want to change?
Lord how can I love people who don’t want to be loved?

And my Lord answers:

“Because you have me”

Some feedback from the workshop itself:

"I liked the fact that there was freedom to do what you wanted. I enjoyed being able to look through the different versions of the bible and reading some of the poems."

"I liked the fact that there were no people grading my work, like in school."

"Awesome. It helps show there are a lot more ways to worship God."

"It was brilliant. God really spoke to me and touched me and answered my prayers."

"I enjoyed the freedom to do what I wanted (paint, draw, write, soak, pray) and really experience praising God in new and exciting ways."

All in all I loved being part of such a dynamic week where we were able to draw alongside the youth, discuss their life of faith, encourage their worship and to see them grow.

15 August 2008

Mission Matters - We're back!


I have just spent two weeks with a youth mission team in Dwarka, SW Delhi, India, working with the women's empowerment and children's education projects at Anusaran. I have returned with a fresh insight into how those who put God first and themselves second can achieve great things. It has been inspiring to learn how John and Abha David gave up their corporate lives and household with swimming pool to invest in two schools, both in slum / poor areas in the outskirts of Delhi. It is also inspiring to see the opportunities for not only education, but also community, love and respect that they themselves and their projects offer. I can't help wondering what a poorer place in social and spiritual terms that these areas would be without them.

The City School, where their Grace Bible Church is also based, has been running now for four years, with BMS action teams working alongside John and Abha David from October - March each year, with other smaller length teams participating in between.

The Village School has been running for one year in more challenging conditions. Monsoon floods block the entrance to the school on both sides. Whilst safe paths can be found on stepping stone bricks and surrounding muddy edges, these are slippery and we witnessed children simply wading through the mosquito covered water pools to get to the other side.

Power Cuts create hot and sticky conditions in both schools but these were overcome with a "getting on with it" attitude. Studying continued as if the temperature had not changed, motivated by the desire to learn, and dancing continued, albeit with a few more beads of sweat than there previously have been. (It was reassuring for us ill accustomed westerners to see the well accustomed locals also showing signs of physical strain under the heat!).

I have a lot to learn from the poorer nations and their faith. Whilst they rely on God for everything and see Him in every good thing, to which they offer Him praise and thanks, I have a tendency to fall into the trap of fitting Him into my schedule, and often not relying on Him until I see a need. My relatively easy material life and busy schedule seems to become an obstacle to walking with Him. How then is my faith in God to grow? Perhaps it is for this reason that James 2 verse 5 states:

"Listen, my dear brothers: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?

However, in Hebrews 13:5 we are offered guidance in our path towards greater faith:

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." "
So, did I paint with words in all the hustle and bustle of our schedule in India? Just a few simple ones. Below is one I wrote during a Sunday morning service at the Grace Bible Church:

No Complaints

You are dripping with sweat,
Yet you pack in tighter.

You sing out of tune,
Yet you sing out louder.

You don't know the song,
Yet you clap with more fervour.

You know not how to complain,
Or to bring dissatisfaction again
By letter.

You just look to God
And praise His name,

Bringing prayers of thanks
That your water
Is cleaner.

Copyright EH 2008. All rights reserved.

10 July 2008

Two weeks on...

Life's been a blur since the "Be Transformed" women's day, but memories of God's words to me on that day are still strong in my mind. How nice it was to get the space to listen (for that I thank the organising team!). It reminds me of a line from one of my poems: "...Oh how I love it when you speak to me."

It was such an honour too, to deliver a workshop and to use my poems to highlight how what we have to say to God is important to Him. He is listening to each and every one of us. Some of the women wrote poems, some drew, and other simply read and took the time to reflect.

Some comments from those who attended:

"It was really inspiring and encouraging. I will definitely give it a try. Letting things out in such a potentially beautiful way is very exciting."

"It was good to hear of someone else's way of communicating with God and to hear of the good and not so good times..."

"Creative atmosphere and freedom. Inspiring resources. Your honesty like a fragrant offering before God. Thanks"

"A sense of opportunity to search for new areas of contact with God...Thank you."

"Having the opportunity to express myself in a way that I haven't before. Thank you!"

"Enjoyed the space to do some writing and Esther's enthusiasm and honesty reminded me we have different gifts."

Two weeks on and I have had the chance to repeat the workshop at The Well women's group at Tonbridge Baptist Church. Thank you to my friends, old and new alike, for allowing me the opportunity to share my experiences with you in this way, and for sharing with me how this has helped / inspired you. I feel truly blessed.

17 April 2008

Painting With Words

Using the written word to communicate with God and to express the images He presents us with.

There are many ways that God can communicate with us, and we with Him. Mine’s poetry – what’s yours?

I'll be leading a workshop at "Be Transformed" - a women's conference at St John's Church, Tunbridge Wells, 28th June 2008. Follow the link on http://www.tbc-online.org.uk/.

Conference Workshop Summary:
After a brief talk about my experience of using the written word to both hear from and communicate with God, this workshop will then allow time and space for you to enjoy your current means of expression, be it poetry, prayer, drawing, listening,… alongside the opportunity to experience and / or experiment with others at various themed stations. Simply express yourself as you choose, or enjoy other people’s creativity.

Time will be allowed to share experiences both before and after a creative soaking session. However there will be no obligation to write any poetry or to produce anything at all. Just come and enjoy communicating with God in any way you choose!

Conference attendees, whether attending this workshop or not, are invited to take part in the poll: “How do YOU communicate with God?" prior to the conference. To access the poll see above right on this page.