There are many ways that God can communicate with us, and we with Him. Mine’s poetry – what’s yours?
I'll be leading a workshop at "Be Transformed" - a women's conference at St John's Church, Tunbridge Wells, 28th June 2008. Follow the link on http://www.tbc-online.org.uk/.
Conference Workshop Summary:
After a brief talk about my experience of using the written word to both hear from and communicate with God, this workshop will then allow time and space for you to enjoy your current means of expression, be it poetry, prayer, drawing, listening,… alongside the opportunity to experience and / or experiment with others at various themed stations. Simply express yourself as you choose, or enjoy other people’s creativity.
Time will be allowed to share experiences both before and after a creative soaking session. However there will be no obligation to write any poetry or to produce anything at all. Just come and enjoy communicating with God in any way you choose!
Conference attendees, whether attending this workshop or not, are invited to take part in the poll: “How do YOU communicate with God?" prior to the conference. To access the poll see above right on this page.
Hey I saw your post on linkedin. I have a blog as well. I am an author and poet myself. Being a novice at blogging I am still muddling through. Please come by and check my blog out maybe we could swap links if you feel the need to. Thanks again for you post its always nice to meet fellow bloggers. Robert Lee Niswander Aka Plot121
Hi Lee, thanks for your comment. I'll check your blog out soon.
I wanted to take some time out and say thank you for commenting on my blog. I see your kinda taxed for time with everything you have going on. That's cool. I been able to keep up with my advice portion of the blog and looking into starting a poetry challenge there too. Whats your thoughts? Well talk to you later Robert Niswander Aka Plot121
Hi Robert, apologies, I used your middle name last time. I love the poetry challenge idea, though there are alot of competitions out there. I think a few poetry sharing blogs have been put on Linked in recently in the current discussion, plus in Poets United - another group for poets. I guess it would depend on what you had to offer that was different, or just go for it and see who joins in. It's all good.
Yes, I don't always get the time to induldge in my love of poetry, be it writing, blogging or networking. If I'm not commenting back, bear with me. It's just the day job / study commitments. However, please feel free to use any links I have on my page for your own. It's all links to other's work in the main so not my property. I'll maybe add a section later for 'Poetry Friends' and add yours.
There you go, you are on, in my new Poetry Pals section. :o)
Thanks if there is anything else I can do for you please let me know take care girl.
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